Tonight my Muse refuses to cooperate.  First, I meant to write about Saint Valentine’s day.  Nope.  Then I meant to write about social issues.  Nope.  Then I meant to write about useful things for beginning writers.  Double nope.  Fine.  Be that way.  Here you go, enjoy.

There are many things I want to say, yet can’t find words to say them.

What does that say about me, being a writer?

Perhaps it says,

Some things don’t need to be said,

Better to express them in other ways.

Some things shouldn’t be said,

Love is found in silence as well as words.

Some things can’t be said,

They’re too terrible, or too wonderful.

Some things must not be said,

Like Doctor who?


(If, my dear readers, you don’t get the reference of the last line, you are missing out on one of the best SciFi TV shows of the century.  I highly recommend you read this and then go watch it.  I’m not a TV watcher, I think its a waste of time in general, but this show is excellent, plus family friendly.  Watch it).

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