
Thanks for checking out Lydia’s event schedule! She loves meeting readers, making new friends, and chatting about all things books and geekery. You’ll also probably catch her playing the ocarina at some point. So come on out, get some signed books, and say hello!

Ask Lydia To Attend Your Event

Lydia runs many workshops and panels at conventions year-round. If you are interested having her attend your event, please submit an inquiry on her contact page. Some of her past favorite workshops have been: How to play the ocarina, How to outline a novel, Self-publishing from A to Z, Social media marketing, and Building your brand.

Cats sitting on stuff.


Aug 29 - Sept 2 | Atlanta, Georgia

Come enjoy the biggest comic con on the East Coast! David will be attending (Lydia will not) and will be sitting on several gaming-related panels. We will update with specific panels and times/places to see David once the DragonCon schedule is sent out. Check out Dragon Cons website here.

Cats sitting on stuff.

Outflanked Promo Events

September, dates TBA | Louisville and Cincinnati

 We will be launching David’s amazing second game, “Outflanked” on Kickstarter from August 20th – Sept 19th, and will be holding several local in person events doing Outflanked tournaments with prizes for you to try out and enjoy David’s new game. And, of course, Lydia will be there with her books too! Stay tuned for more details on when and where! We should have things nailed down by late August.

Superstars Writing Seminar

Superstars Writing Conference

Feb 6 - 9 2025, Colorado Springs, CO
Lydia and David are honored to have been invited as instructors at Superstars 2025. Join hundreds of author peers and dozens of successful, professional authors lecturers to learn the business of writing! This is an amazing and empowering conference that equips authors and aspiring authors with practical instruction on how to establish and succeed in the author career while making lasting friendships and vital networking connections with fellow authors and publishers alike. Check out Superstars website here.

Wan't To Be Involved But Can't Make It?

Lydia would love for you to be a part of her reader community! You can subscribe to her newsletter, join her VIP Reader Group on Facebook, or become her supporter on Patreon.

Want To Invite Lydia To Your Event?

Lydia has the best fans in the land! She would love to bring her enthusiasm and following to your event to make it that much more awesome.

Lydia and friends at her booth.

Event Calendar


  • March 2cd — New Release Signing 2-5pm (Joseph-Beth, Cinci)
  • March 7-10 — Lexington Comic Con (Lexington, KY)
  • March 20th — LLHP Odyssey Book Release Party at Half Price Books 6-8pm (Westport Rd, Louisville, KY)
  • April 19-21 — Fantasci SPECIAL GUEST (Raleigh-Durham, NC)
  • June 21-23 — LibertyCon ATTENDING PRO (Chattanooga, TN)
  • Aug 29 – Sept 2 — DragonCon DAVID SHERRER ONLY Attending Pro (Atlanta, GA)
  • Feb 2025 — Superstars Writing Conference ATTENDING INSTRUCTOR (Colorado Springs, CO)


  • March 23-26 — Lexington Comic Con (Lexington, KY)
  • June 23-25 — LibertyCon (Chattanooga, TN)
  • July 14-16 — Imaginarium (Louisville, KY)
  • Sept 22-24 — Cincinnati Comic Expo (Cincinnati, OH)
  • Nov 6-10 — 20Booksto50k Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV)
  • Nove 10 — Booksigning Tour TDH Book 2 “Through the Storm”
(RAVE, Las Vegas 10am-4pm)
  • Nov 11 – Imperial Outpost Games, (Phoenix, AZ, 3-6pm)
  • Nov 12 – Books on the Bosque (Albuquerque, NM, 3-5pm)
  • Nov 14 – Books Are Awesome (Parker, CO, 6-8pm)
  • Nov 16 – Half Price Books (Dallas, TX, 7-9pm)
  • Nov 18 – Joseph Beth Booksellers (Cincinnati, OH, 3-6pm)

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