New Years weekend my husband and I went to Columbus, GA to visit family. Besides the AMAZING larp (live action role play) we attended run by S.O.L.A.R. (I got to play an elven archer/bard=shoot people with foam-tipped arrows and entertain a tavern full of travelers with ocarina music),
we also got to visit Agnes Scott College’s campus. This college is the setting for my modern fantasy series Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus – the Lily Singer Adventures.
As a quick catch up, I’m writing about an wizard named Lily Singer who’s mundane job is archive management for the library for an exclusive women’s college in Atlanta, GA. Though the settings in my story are based on the real Agnes Scott College, I definitely take creative liberties. So it was simply fascinating to visit the real place and learn all about their history!
Founded in 1889, Agnes Scott College’s campus is in Decatur just east of downtown Atlanta. Many of their buildings date back to the early 1900s. The college was originally founded as an elementary school and eventually became a college (check out their website for more details). Even more cool, they have an sizable collection of Robert Frost’s work because he came to visit/speak for them over twenty times throughout his life!
Not only did I get to see what I’d been writing about for over a year, but I also got to meet the REAL Lily Singer (Archive Manager) of McCain Library. Her name is Marianne Bradley and she is an absolute dear. After listening delightedly to my explanation of why random strangers were appearing at her office door, she offered to give us an exclusive tour!

Marianne Bradley, the actual archives manager of McCain Library. No, she informs me she is not a wizard. Oh well.
She opened up their history room and explained all about Agnes Scott, showed us where the original library was added to and expanded during renovations, and she even unlocked their secure “basement” archive where they keep the Robert Frost material. Unfortunately, there was no broom closet that lead to a magical wizard library hidden inside the real library. That part I made up.
Fun fact: McCain Library hasn’t had a REAL archivist for decades. Marianne was a lawyer by trade before she took her position at McCain. After hiring an actual archivist to organize and archive their collection years ago, the college decided they didn’t need one full-time and there went the archivist. The position Marianne fills is more of a management/organization role, especially since so much of their material is now online.
After my spasms of delight over the gorgeous library (look at that architecture!), we walked around campus and spotted one of the Agnes Scott police/security. His name was Lt. Scott and he gleefully told us about some of the resident ghosts (sounds like something I’ll have to incorporate into future novels!). He also confirmed their policy that non-staff men are not allowed to wander around campus without a chaperone and, if spotted, will be asked to leave. It is, after all, a WOMEN’S only college. So, that’s why Sebastian has to stay on his toes if he doesn’t want to get caught when he comes to visit Lily on campus!
After we walked away, my husband swore that was the same security guard who kicked him off of campus multiple times back around 2003 when he dated a girl who went to Agnes Scott. My husband’s experiences at Agnes Scott as well as his native knowledge of Atlanta were the main reasons I choose this location as the setting for my books.
So, what do you think? Does the real McCain library look like you imagined it? Is there anything relating to the library/location you’d like to see show up in the books? I’d love to hear your thoughts, just post them below!
Thanks for reading about my adventure. If you’d like to read the first chapter of Book 1, click here. If you’d like to get updates on the release of the first two books in April, plus exclusive news and giveaways, sign up for my newsletter here.
Very cool Lydia! I’m sure you made Marianne”s day. It is awesome to watch you grow as you pursue your passion.
Thanks Stephen! Yup, she said she had a blast and is now a subscriber of my newsletter and eagerly awaiting the books. Thanks for reading!
I’m a sophomore at Agnes Scott. This article made me excited to read your books!
That is awesome!! I’m so glad you’re excited, I am too. I LOVED visiting your campus and wish I’d have known about Agnes Scott in 2007 when I was looking at colleges to go to. I’ll have to come back sometime when school is in session to eat at Mollies and maybe do a book signing sometime. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter if you’d like to get further updates about when the books come out!
I was at Agnes Scott 1963-1965 and was convinced I was in a magical place when I found the carrels in the stacks at the library, not that the rest of the campus wasn’t wonderful too. But the stacks were usually deserted at twilight and later. Beautiful views from the windows. See if you can get a picture of what the carrels looked like before renovation. They looked even more in keeping with the beautiful exterior of McCain.
A fellow Scottie shared your post on facebook. I’m definitely going to read your books!
Wow! Thank you so much for your comment Marcia! I will definitely have to try and find those pictures, it sounds fascinating. I hope you like the books, and remember if you’d like to get sneak-peeks, advance news, and giveaways, head over to my subscribe page to sign up for my newsletter. Oh, and please do feel free to share all of this with any other Agnes Scott alum or current students you think might enjoy it! Thank you!