3 Life Lessons I Learned From Self-Publishing

I'm finally, FINALLY done. With what, you ask? Well, not much, as it turns out, as there is still much to do. But on this "not much" hinges my whole career. I'm done self-publishing my first two novels, Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings and Revelations. They are...

Professionalism for Self Publishers

This post is going to be quick and dirty. I have two fantastic things for you guys today, one to make you smile and one to make you think. The one to make you smile is the first page of my print novel, Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings!! My formatter just...

Cover Reveal: Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus Book 1

You know those days you look forward to for weeks, months, even years? Christmas, graduation, your wedding day, the birth of your child, a promotion at work. You know how, when the day comes, you're walking on clouds and can't even believe it's happening? At the same...

Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Revelations – FINISHED!

After many tweaks, additions, a last chapter, and an epilogue, I'm proud to announce my second book, Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Revelations is complete! It still has to go through my editor, of course, but the story is there, and I couldn't be happier. I finished it...

A Step-by-step Guide to Achieving Dreams

The last few weeks, I've been talking about jobs, dreams, and calling. First I talked about dealing with a non-dream job, then about what a calling is and how to find it. Now I want to share a step-by-step guide that's guaranteed to achieve your dreams in six weeks,...

3 Ways to Win While Working Toward Success

Most "how to succeed" articles focus on what you need to do to succeed and reach your destination (that dream job, prestigious award, expensive house, etc). Since I started writing professionally, however, I've found that the journey is more important than the...

Writing Workshop Peggy DeKay & Cheri Powell

This past Saturday I went to an excellent writing workshop that not only equipped me with useful and empowering information, but also re-motivated me to work on my book. It was like creativity shock therapy to my muse! The workshop was sponsored by the J. Camille...

A Vision for the Future: Autographs and Timetables

Today I want to tell a story, share a vision, and offer an encouragement.        A Story..... My story happened last Sunday. My husband and I went to meet a friend of ours, we’ll call her Sally, for lunch. Soon after we arrived at the restaurant, David got a call from...

Interview with Debut Author Ronald R. Van Stockum Jr.

This week I had the privilege of interviewing a good friend of mine and newly published author, Ronald R. Van Stockum Jr. His debut book, Markman’s Home, came out in June and is available on Amazon in kindle or paperback form. Reggie, as his friends call him, was the...

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