3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 3

Last week, I spoke about how to advance your writing career while still writing your novel.  You can do this by devoting some attention to 3 important things: 1. Publishing Short Stories 2. Professional Development 3. Social Networking/Promotion This week we’ll focus...

3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 1

The next few weeks I want to focus on how to advance your writing career while still working on your first novel.  Writing a novel is a long and difficult process.  Though some experienced writers can knock out a 90,000 word manuscript in a couple of months, us newbie...

The Wonder of Role Playing Games (RPGs)

My day started with a tweet:  “Discovering the awesomeness of group storytelling through role playing games #rpg” Last Sunday, my husband, David, and I gathered with a group of four others to start on a great adventure.  David is running a Superhero role playing game...

Interview with Newly Published Authors

My dear readers, I come before you to beg your indulgence in this next month (or so).  I'm getting married on May 24th, and I only have 24 days to finish getting ready *pulls out hair*!!  Most likely, I will not be posting anything very involved in the next month. ...

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