This post is going to be quick and dirty. I have two fantastic things for you guys today, one to make you smile and one to make you think. The one to make you smile is the first page of my print novel, Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings!! My formatter just...
The Importance of Friendship
Don't worry, I'm not going to go all gooey-eyed on you and talk about rainbows and unicorns (hey, what's wrong with rainbows and unicorns?), but I am going to break out Yu-gi-oh as an object lesson. Yu-gi-oh, a children's card-game originating in Japan, also had it's...
A Step-by-step Guide to Achieving Dreams
The last few weeks, I've been talking about jobs, dreams, and calling. First I talked about dealing with a non-dream job, then about what a calling is and how to find it. Now I want to share a step-by-step guide that's guaranteed to achieve your dreams in six weeks,...
On Jobs, Dreams, and Calling Part 2
Many of us don't have our dream job, are not working in our desired field, or are just not where we want to be in life. Last week I shared some tips on how to manage and prosper despite disliking our current job/situation. This week I want to talk about dreams...
3 Ways to Win While Working Toward Success
Most "how to succeed" articles focus on what you need to do to succeed and reach your destination (that dream job, prestigious award, expensive house, etc). Since I started writing professionally, however, I've found that the journey is more important than the...
Of Hope and Determination: Writing Fellowships
There's no way I'll ever get this fellowship. I'm not good enough. Why even waste the time and effort trying? Sound familiar? Not just for writing fellowships, but for everything in life we try for (contests, job promotions, auditions, scholarships)? Everybody faces...
3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 3
Last week, I spoke about how to advance your writing career while still writing your novel. You can do this by devoting some attention to 3 important things: 1. Publishing Short Stories 2. Professional Development 3. Social Networking/Promotion This week we’ll focus...
3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 2
Last week, I spoke about how to advance your writing career while still writing your novel by devoting some attention to 3 important things: 1. Publishing Short Stories 2. Professional Development 3. Social Networking/Promotion This week we'll focus on professional...
3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 1
The next few weeks I want to focus on how to advance your writing career while still working on your first novel. Writing a novel is a long and difficult process. Though some experienced writers can knock out a 90,000 word manuscript in a couple of months, us newbie...
Becoming-A-Writer Tip # 4: Feedback
Today's topic is the lifeblood of artists: feedback. feed·back ˈfēdˌbak noun noun: feedback 1. information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement. Except for the rare person who writes solely for...