A Writer’s Trip to Red River Gorge

You probably expect me to write about how I couldn't stop thinking about my book while I was on my trip.  Or, that I kept having to stop on the trail and jot down story ideas in my handy-dandy notebook (I did keep stopping, but it was because of mushrooms, and my...

A Vision for the Future: Autographs and Timetables

Today I want to tell a story, share a vision, and offer an encouragement.        A Story..... My story happened last Sunday. My husband and I went to meet a friend of ours, we’ll call her Sally, for lunch. Soon after we arrived at the restaurant, David got a call from...

The Wonder of Role Playing Games (RPGs)

My day started with a tweet:  “Discovering the awesomeness of group storytelling through role playing games #rpg” Last Sunday, my husband, David, and I gathered with a group of four others to start on a great adventure.  David is running a Superhero role playing game...

I’m Back! Now Officially Mrs. Sherrer

I'm back!! Yay!!  I am now, quite permanently, Mrs. Lydia Sherrer.  To any who are interested, the wedding and honeymoon were fantastic.  Life and reality aren’t quite as fantastic, but hey, *shrugs* we already knew that, right? After coming home on Sunday night, it...

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