YA Summer Scavenger Hunt and Giveaway

Hello all you wonderful readers! I have an exciting scavenger hunt for you today that is going to be massive amounts of fun, sponsored by the Alliance of Young Adult Authors. This is a chance to meet some new authors, grab a bunch of free books, and sign up to win a...

The Hidden Benefit of Crowdfunding

Let me tell you a story (you might want some tissues on hand). Starting in 2012 I spent a year as a Mary Kay consultant selling cosmetics (good times, I learned a lot of valuable stuff). The Mary Kay culture emphasizes empowerment, belief in yourself, and working for...

Lily Singer Adventures Books 3 & 4 Cover Reveal!

Finally! The covers are finalized! It's been a long road of exhausting design, planning, and tweaking, but I am proud to present you with the covers for Book 3: Allies, and Book 4: Legends in the Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus series. Both books are scheduled to release...

Crowdfunding websites: Why they make us better people

About three years ago I was a Mary Kay cosmetics seller for a while (good times, I learned a lot of valuable stuff). The Mary Kay culture is all about empowerment, believing in yourself, and working for change (all good things). So, there I was, a new Mary Kay rep,...

Celebrity Philanthropy: the Power of Social Media

For over a decade since I saw Angelina Jolie's movie Tomb Raider, I've followed her work promoting international aid. I've always had immense respect for her fight to bring help to those in need. She's not perfect, of course, but she's doing something. I've never...

The Importance of Friendship

Don't worry, I'm not going to go all gooey-eyed on you and talk about rainbows and unicorns (hey, what's wrong with rainbows and unicorns?), but I am going to break out Yu-gi-oh as an object lesson. Yu-gi-oh, a children's card-game originating in Japan, also had it's...

Writing Workshop Peggy DeKay & Cheri Powell

This past Saturday I went to an excellent writing workshop that not only equipped me with useful and empowering information, but also re-motivated me to work on my book. It was like creativity shock therapy to my muse! The workshop was sponsored by the J. Camille...

3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 3

Last week, I spoke about how to advance your writing career while still writing your novel.  You can do this by devoting some attention to 3 important things: 1. Publishing Short Stories 2. Professional Development 3. Social Networking/Promotion This week we’ll focus...

3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 1

The next few weeks I want to focus on how to advance your writing career while still working on your first novel.  Writing a novel is a long and difficult process.  Though some experienced writers can knock out a 90,000 word manuscript in a couple of months, us newbie...

How To Start Your Own Blog In 3 Easy Steps

I made a new friend this week.  I met her at my church's weekly small-group get together.  She was quiet throughout most of the meeting, but something inexplicable drew me to her.  At the end, we got to talking, and I found out she was a fellow writer!  Well wadda-ya...

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