Writing & Editing Resources

  ***Edit*** April 2024 Wow! It's been a DECADE since I started my publishing journey. And it's been a really long time since blogging regularly was a part of my publishing ecosystem. Nowadays I focus all my time on raising my kids and getting my next book...

Writing Workshop Peggy DeKay & Cheri Powell

This past Saturday I went to an excellent writing workshop that not only equipped me with useful and empowering information, but also re-motivated me to work on my book. It was like creativity shock therapy to my muse! The workshop was sponsored by the J. Camille...

3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 2

Last week, I spoke about how to advance your writing career while still writing your novel by devoting some attention to 3 important things: 1. Publishing Short Stories 2. Professional Development 3. Social Networking/Promotion This week we'll focus on professional...

3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 1

The next few weeks I want to focus on how to advance your writing career while still working on your first novel.  Writing a novel is a long and difficult process.  Though some experienced writers can knock out a 90,000 word manuscript in a couple of months, us newbie...

Writer’s Heaven: Fellowships and Grants

  Wouldn't you kill for some time alone, free from your day job and life's distractions, to focus on writing?  What if we, as writers, could be PAID to take time away from Life, and just write?  That, my friend, would be writer's heaven. The good news is:...

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