3 Ways to Advance Your Writing Career: Part 2

Last week, I spoke about how to advance your writing career while still writing your novel by devoting some attention to 3 important things: 1. Publishing Short Stories 2. Professional Development 3. Social Networking/Promotion This week we'll focus on professional...

Becoming-A-Writer Tip # 4: Feedback

Today's topic is the lifeblood of artists: feedback. feed·back ˈfēdˌbak noun noun: feedback 1. information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement. Except for the rare person who writes solely for...

What My Cat Teaches Me About Writing

So this week’s post is more for fun than for instruction, but I will try to draw some helpful conclusions from amongst the adorableness I am about to reveal. I have a new cat, Gizmo.  Or, more precisely, Gizmo has a new human, me.  Gizmo’s current human (David, my...

How to Write a Book 101

How does one write a book?  Here's an easy step by step process: 1) Have an idea you're passionate about 2) Don't give up 3) Write...a lot...at 2 am...when you're supposed to be sleeping 4) Don't give up 5) Get feedback, ignore some of it 6) Don't give up 7) Revise 8)...

Writing from the Heart

Writing a Novel is Hard Yes, yes it is.  Quality is hard, weaving a good tale is hard, getting it out of your heart and mind and soul, and putting it on paper in a way that makes sense to other people is hard.  Do you ever wish there was a device you could hook to...

Wedding stresses and writing stresses: the importance of feeling

  I've been very stressed out the past week or so.  I'm really getting into the swing of writing, I've got some momentum going, and WHAM!! Fifty-gazillion things that I have to get ready for my wedding--things I've been putting off--seem to crash down on me all...

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