I can’t believe after waiting so long that Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus Kindred is finally here! It’s been a crazy journey that turned out longer than I meant it to be (I mean, the book is freaking 659 pages long, so DEFINITELY longer than I planned), but here we are at last!
If you haven’t already pre-ordered, you can grab a copy in your preferred format below
Ebook from your favorite book retailer: books2read.com/LSA7
Ebook from my website: click here
Paperback from Amazon: click here (price may still be adjusting, should be $21.95 and if it isn’t give it a few more hours to update correctly).
Paperback from my website: click here
To celebrate this much anticipated release, I did a coloring contest for my fans using the latest piece of Lily Singer character art by the talented Ana Fedine.
I knew you all would make choosing winners hard on me, but I hadn’t counted on how hard it would be! Arg!
As I mentioned in my newsletter, there will be four winners in four categories, but I also can’t help posting pictures of some honorable mentions. Each winner of a category gets one free piece of merchandise from my website! And, of course, a big thanks from me. You all are such wonderful fans and I’m so honored and grateful every day for you!
Without further ado, here are the winners! (a quick note: not everybody who entered had a printer scanner available, so some of the images submitted are at an angle for those who had to take pictures instead of scan). For the four winners, you will be seeing an email soon with details about choosing and receiving your prizes.
1. The first category was Best Amateur (for those of us with more enthusiasm than technical finesse *raises hand in the air*) the winner is: Michelle Holloway! This one was TOUGH people. There were so many beautiful variations on Lily’s outfit, some of them very creative color combinations, that I was utterly stuck and conflicted. But I finally settled on Michelle’s design because of the lovely little details she included, such as the tartan pattern on Lily’s skirt, the ox-blood red color of her boots, and the delicate pink design on the tea-set! |

Now I absolutely had to include some honorable mentions so you all could see the beautiful color variety submitted. Below are entries from Camille, Stami, and Hlou!
2. The second category of Most Creative (Be different! Be crazy! Think outside the box!) had some wonderful entries in different mediums, including watercolor! I was so conflicted on a winner, in the end I just had to go with my gut and pick the one I was most visually stunned with at first look, and that was this amazing modern art-style with a full background drawn in by K. Matt! I was especially taken by the bold purple shading and the portrait of Sir Kipling on the right. As you can see he is observing all with a properly critical and snarky look on his face. |

Two others I’ll include are visually stunning, but didn’t fall within the parameters of using the original line art download as their base, so they didn’t technically qualify for a prize. But they sure are beautiful! Scattered_Breeze colored the line art digitally and created some awesome magical glow effects, while JA Webby drew a beautiful pencil portrait of Lily’s face from scratch.
3. The third category, Most Amusing, I wanted to give you all leeway to come up with whatever creative thing you wanted that you thought was funny! I was imagining Sir Kipling and Sebastian to show up in the picture with Lily and start tossing snarky comments back and forth, and I was not disappointed! The winner is Celeste Renouf-Moore who drew a lovely background and a thoroughly snarky Sir Kipling addition AND THE BOOK HE IS READING LISTS THE FIRST RULE OF CAT! I couldn’t stop laughing when I turned the picture upside-down and started reading Sir Kipling’s book.

Thank you all SO MUCH to everyone who submitted a coloring page. It was truly difficult to pick the winners among so many wonderful creations and I can only hope everyone had a grand time coloring as you patiently awaited the release of Book 7! Thank you for helping bring fun and enjoyment to all my readers with your artwork.
Happy Book Birthday today to Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus Kindred. I hope you all enjoy reading it and going deeper into the lives and adventures of our beloved characters!
Now, it’s your turn to speak up. Which of the coloring pages was your favorite? Tell me in the comments, I can’t wait to hear!
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