This post is going to be quick and dirty. I have two fantastic things for you guys today, one to make you smile and one to make you think.

The one to make you smile is the first page of my print novel, Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings!! My formatter just emailed me the PDF proof, and I LOVE what he did with the formatting. This is getting super real, super fast. Just over a month before

I start selling my first copies! If you want to get ahead of the game, take advantage of the ONLY opportunity to get personalized, numbered copies of the books on my kickstarter

LLHPBK1 Page 1 screenshot

The second thing I have is something to make you think. Do you like this first page? Are you impressed with how it looks? Does it look professional? Yes, it does, because I hired a professional. I’m a self-publisher, but the only things I’m doing my “self” is writing the book and managing the publishing process. I hired an editor, an artist, and a formatter. It was expensive. I couldn’t afford it. So I did a kickstarter and with 8 days left I’ve already raised the money to pay for up front costs (but still need more! check out my kickstarter for awesome, personalized rewards). Because I hired professionals to make my books top-notch, I knew they would be well-received.

addtext_com_MTUxMzEyMjM3MTY1So, if you’re a writer, especially one considering self-publishing, please don’t skimp. If you want to play with the big boys/girls, you’ve got to put on your big boy/girl pants. Be professional. Hire professionals where professionals are needed, and you will get professional results. Can’t afford it? Plan. Save. Explore options like crowdfunding.

If you’re a reader, know that it’s okay to be critical of presentation. I’m not saying don’t give self-published authors a chance, or assume an author is terrible if there is a single typo in the book (even traditionally published books have typos! I know, because I find them). But I am saying that it’s appropriate to hold ALL authors to a professional standard. With the tools available FREE to ANYONE online, there is no excuse to NOT publish in a professional manner. Things like social media, grass-roots advertising, and crowdfunding means that unknown individuals have the power to become successful if they study the correct marketing techniques, plan wisely, and work hard.

I’d love to hear from you. What do you think of my first page? What are your thoughts on professionalism and self-publishing? Check out my Becoming-A-Writer series if you’d like advice on getting started as a writer, or sign up for my newsletter if you’d like to get bi-monthly news and updates on my publishing. Don’t forget to check out the kickstarter, and thanks for reading!

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