Accidental Witch

Dark Roads Trilogy: Book 1
"I never meant to become a witch. But when someone you love dies, logic and reason die with them."
Sebastian Blackwell is your typical high school popular kid: attractive, charming, and a little rebellious. At least he used to be. But when his parents are killed in a freak accident, he goes from cool kid to orphan outcast before the dirt even settles over their graves. Now a shell of his former self, Sebastian realizes what really matters in life and is determined to get it back, no matter the cost. To do it, he'll have to delve into his family's darkest secrets, secrets his parents tried to protect him from his whole life. With a ghost as his only friend, a goth girl his only ally, and a demon prince his only chance, Sebastian sets out on a desperate path of redemption that seems more likely to damn him than to save him. For all power has a price, and Sebastian must decide what he is willing to pay to defy death itself.

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“This is one of my favorite series. It gives me the feels from when I read Harry Potter for the first time.”
- Brianna C.

“Must read series, laughter, love, magic, and mayhem. Not to mention tea. A winner. Absolutely love it.”

- Laura S.

“Buy the whole series if you haven’t already. A fantastic journey with relatable characters.”
- Kathleen T.

“The book was so darn good that I was up two nights in a row until 1-2 AM reading it until finished!”
- Paula

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