Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Betrayal

The Lily Singer Adventures: Book 5
Would you betray your friends to save them?
It has been months since Lily Singer’s harrowing adventure in England, yet there has still been no word of her father or Morgan le Fay. Far from being able to relax, Lily has been kept busy doing the last thing in the world she ever imagined: dating Sebastian Blackwell. Insanity must run in her family. Things start to get interesting—that is, bothersome and entirely inconvenient—when former beau and FBI agent, Richard Grant, asks for help investigating a series of occult-related murders. Lily would rather decontaminate Sebastian’s mold-ridden car than open that can of worms, yet she might not have a choice. For a whisper has spread throughout the magical underworld—a rumor of creatures that will pit friend against friend and resurrect shadows from the past.

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“Can I just say that your books are soooo much fun!…I haven’t had this much fun reading since completing the Harry Potter series.”

- Julie S

“Hey, I didn’t just snort-laugh. There were times I choked up in tears. These are tremendous. I’m just waiting for the next book to come out.”

- Matthew M.

“Heard about this book from a Facebook page, sounded interesting so I thought I’d give it a shot. Boy am I glad I did!! Amazing first story in the series, really grabs you in, had to order book 2 so I could keep going!!”

- Angela W.

“This series is very hard to stop reading. Much like the Harry Potter series you yearn for more. Looking forward with much anticipation for the next volume! Lydia you’re amazing. 😻”

- Joan B.

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