Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Cat Magic

Novella from the Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus Universe.
Saving the world is such a bother when it makes you late for your nap.
Blessed (or cursed, depending on who you ask) with human intelligence, Sir Edgar Allan Kipling, magical talking cat extraordinaire, spends most of his time keeping his human out of trouble. Of course, having a wizard for a human means that trouble is never far away. When Sir Kipling’s human goes away for the weekend and leaves him to guard her magical library, things start out quiet. But he soon discovers witches smelling suspiciously of demon magic snooping about, and quiet goes out the window as chaos looms on the horizon. Will Sir Kipling be able to outwit the intruders before their mischief causes permanent damage?

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“Can I just say that your books are soooo much fun!…I haven’t had this much fun reading since completing the Harry Potter series.”

- Julie S

“Hey, I didn’t just snort-laugh. There were times I choked up in tears. These are tremendous. I’m just waiting for the next book to come out.”

- Matthew M.

“Heard about this book from a Facebook page, sounded interesting so I thought I’d give it a shot. Boy am I glad I did!! Amazing first story in the series, really grabs you in, had to order book 2 so I could keep going!!”

- Angela W.

“This series is very hard to stop reading. Much like the Harry Potter series you yearn for more. Looking forward with much anticipation for the next volume! Lydia you’re amazing. 😻”

- Joan B.

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