Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Cat Mischief

Novella from the Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus Universe.
If you did not want mayhem, you should not have hired a talking cat.
Blessed (or cursed, depending on who you ask) with human intelligence, Sir Edgar Allan Kipling, magical talking cat extraordinaire, spends most of his time keeping his human wizard out of trouble—whether she wants him to or not. If she knew what he usually got up to, she would protest most vociferously. But sometimes a cat’s gotta do what a cat’s gotta do, and one can watch only so many soap operas before an offer of mischief and adventure is too good to turn down. Now with an artifact to steal, and saddled with allies far too eager to yank his tail, Sir Kipling will have to bring every bit of his snark and wiles to bear if he wants to succeed. Failure could mean much worse than danger to his human: he might miss his nap. If you are a cat person, you will adore this book. If you are a dog person, you will also adore this book, and upon completion will be inexplicably compelled to go out and adopt a cat. You have been warned.

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“This book is amazing. I enjoyed the adventure, plot twists, incorporation of myth, and romance, but above all I loved Lydia Sherrer ‘s witty style.”

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“I’ve read the entire series and have fallen in love with all of her beautifully developed characters and her magic world. It’s a real treat!”

- Jet G.

“Love the characters of this series, and all their witty repartee! The series title says everything – these books really are quite an adventure!”
- Zara

“These books are a fun, easy read. Very clean and appropriate for younger readers, yet still very intriguing to us older readers. I highly recommend anything and everything Lydia writes.”
- Jim D.

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