Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Identity

The Lily Singer Adventures: Book 6
Identity is a choice. Who will you choose to be?
Lily is in trouble. Deep, deep trouble. Alone and without her magic, she doesn't know where she is or how she got there. All she wants is to go home and be left in peace. But what part of her will she have to sacrifice to get there? Sebastian is doomed. Spent, wrecked, devastated. Everything he ever had going for him is lying in ash and ruin, and he can't shake off the doubts in his head that are driving him mad. Is what they're saying true? How is he supposed to tell truth from lie? Separated by dangerous forces, Lily and Sebastian must dig deep for the courage they need to survive. But with all their pretense and excuses stripped away, can they come to terms with who they are--and who they were meant to be--before it's too late? Wizard, witch, and demon, their enemies are wily and strong...and have been planning this victory for a long, long time.

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“This book is amazing. I enjoyed the adventure, plot twists, incorporation of myth, and romance, but above all I loved Lydia Sherrer ‘s witty style.”

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“I’ve read the entire series and have fallen in love with all of her beautifully developed characters and her magic world. It’s a real treat!”

- Jet G.

“Love the characters of this series, and all their witty repartee! The series title says everything – these books really are quite an adventure!”
- Zara

“These books are a fun, easy read. Very clean and appropriate for younger readers, yet still very intriguing to us older readers. I highly recommend anything and everything Lydia writes.”
- Jim D.

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