Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Legends

The Lily Singer Adventures: Book 4
Legends exist in the past...until now. How inconsiderate of them.
The battle has been won, but the war is far from over. With her greatest ally at death's door, it is up to Lily Singer to continue the fight. Troublemaking witch friend and talking cat in tow, she heads to England to stop her father from awakening an ancient evil and stealing its power for himself. But when a queen of the fae gets involved and calls in an old debt, Sebastian's mistakes come back to haunt him and Lily is in danger of losing the one thing that matters most. Far from home and facing perilous odds, Lily fears she's not strong enough to keep her friends safe and win the day. Will the risks she takes be enough? Or will this adventure be the end of them all?

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“This is one of my favorite series. It gives me the feels from when I read Harry Potter for the first time.”
- Brianna C.

“Must read series, laughter, love, magic, and mayhem. Not to mention tea. A winner. Absolutely love it.”

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