Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Odyssey

The Lily Singer Adventures: Book 8
The journey makes the man...if it doesn't kill you first.
There’s no rest for the wicked or the good, so Lily, Sebastian, and Sir Kipling’s have to hit the ground running as they regroup from their crippling battle with Nergal and search for the fabled city of the ancients. Only they know the threat Nergal poses, and they must race across the world to find the city and warn the inhabitants before this prince of demons destroys it all. But they can't do it alone. Thrown together once again with the fae of Melthalin and Lily's own murderous, conniving father, they'll have to navigate waters so treacherous that one misstep could kill them all. Long-held secrets are coming to light, secrets that could destroy everything they hold dear. Including each other.

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“This is one of my favorite series. It gives me the feels from when I read Harry Potter for the first time.”
- Brianna C.

“Must read series, laughter, love, magic, and mayhem. Not to mention tea. A winner. Absolutely love it.”

- Laura S.

“Buy the whole series if you haven’t already. A fantastic journey with relatable characters.”
- Kathleen T.

“The book was so darn good that I was up two nights in a row until 1-2 AM reading it until finished!”
- Paula

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