Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Revelations

The Lily Singer Adventures: Book 2
Never argue with a talking cat…you won’t win.
Being a wizard, Lily Singer likes her magic logical and systematic. So when her cat suddenly starts opening locked doors and telling her what to do, she is not pleased. But before she can deal with her errant feline, her witch friend Sebastian warns of a heist plot at the very museum she was just hired to ward. Lily must lay a trap for the would-be thief and figure out why Sebastian is suddenly acting so suspicious, all while wrangling her newly magical cat. To make matters worse, a mysterious wizard waltzes into her life claiming to know the truth about her past, and Lily must decide who, amid all the chaos, she can trust. Will discovering the past reveal her future? Or doom it?

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“This book is amazing. I enjoyed the adventure, plot twists, incorporation of myth, and romance, but above all I loved Lydia Sherrer ‘s witty style.”

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“I’ve read the entire series and have fallen in love with all of her beautifully developed characters and her magic world. It’s a real treat!”

- Jet G.

“Love the characters of this series, and all their witty repartee! The series title says everything – these books really are quite an adventure!”
- Zara

“These books are a fun, easy read. Very clean and appropriate for younger readers, yet still very intriguing to us older readers. I highly recommend anything and everything Lydia writes.”
- Jim D.

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