Love Lies and Hocus Pocus Universe Artwork Volume 1

Signed by Lydia Sherrer
Ever wonder how the Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus Universe came about? Now you can find out.
Sit down with Lydia’s definitive guide to the artwork and development of the Lily Singer Adventures thus far, written in a conversational tone as if she were sitting next to you chatting over a cup of tea. Complete with detailed artwork, behind-the-scenes insights, and the moving story of how the world and characters took shape over the years, this is the one-of-a-kind companion to the bestselling novels series you’ve been waiting for.

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“This is one of my favorite series. It gives me the feels from when I read Harry Potter for the first time.”
- Brianna C.

“Must read series, laughter, love, magic, and mayhem. Not to mention tea. A winner. Absolutely love it.”

- Laura S.

“Buy the whole series if you haven’t already. A fantastic journey with relatable characters.”
- Kathleen T.

“The book was so darn good that I was up two nights in a row until 1-2 AM reading it until finished!”
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